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Seasonal - 'Tis The Season French Roast (Nov. 1 - Jan. 3) Blend of East African and South American coffee beans from the growing regions of Ethiopia and Brazil. Deep, dark, rich, smooth and smokey with hints of toasted hickory and bitter-sweet cocoa.

Seasonal - 'Tis The Season French Roast (Nov. 1 - Jan. 3)

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$ 10.99

Blend of East African and South American coffee beans from the growing regions of Ethiopia and Brazil. Deep, dark, rich, smooth and smokey with hints of toasted hickory and bitter-sweet cocoa.

Product Detail:

Blend of East African and South American coffee beans fromt the growing regions of Ethiopia and Brazil.  Deep, dark, rich, smooth and smokey with hints of toasted hickory and bitter-sweet cocoa.  This warm brew will sooth the embers of your soul.  Put on your flannel PJS, and your cozy slippers, toss one more log into the fireplace and Relax!